| 1. | In turn , oecd economies and corporate profits have been boosted by the boom in their capital goods exports to emerging countries 反过来,对新兴国家资本品出口的繁荣,也促进了经合组织各经济体的发展和企业利润的提升。 |
| 2. | Any tax on capital will tend to dissuade people from accumulating the wealth in the first place , but a death duty is arguably one of the better options 任何对资本品税首先都会阻止人们进行财富积累,但遗产税是可加以论证的不错的选择。 |
| 3. | Any tax on capital will tend to dissuade people from accumulating the wealth in the first place , but a death duty is arguably one of the better options 任何对资本品税都会阻止人们进行原始财富积累,但遗产税是可加以论证的不错的选择。 |
| 4. | Beforo the middle of 19905 ’ , china ’ 5 econ ( ) m y has acllieved a sum . nedb ance growth sueeessfully by adjusting relative priee of tradable to nontradable duly through various poliey instruments . however , after 1994 , fundamentals behind china ’ 5 balanee of paymenthave be 经济快速增长必然带来投资需求增加,在资本品生产不具备比较优势的经济发展初步时期,投资需求的快速增长往往伴随着进口需求的快速增长。 |
| 5. | While the us government maintains such discriminatory export control policies towards china , other industrialized countries have , one by one , cancelled their discriminatory policies and have even provided china with governmental financial support for its import of capital goods 在美国政府继续采取对中国歧视性出口管制政策的同时,其它工业发达国家政府相继取消歧视性政策,而且向中国提供资本品进口的政府间金融支持,从而促进了对中国的出口。 |
| 6. | There are some creative views as followings . 1 . cancel the presumption of the multiplier , and consider the transaction is different between capital and consame goods . draw the conclusion that investing into consume goods and houses apt to muetipier 本文在以下几个方面具有某种意义的创新观点: l 、对投资乘数进行了深入思考,认为交易次数的传递在消费品与资本品上有差别,对消费品的投资更利于乘数扩张;同时投资于住宅建设有利于提高消费倾向,也利于乘数扩张。 |
| 7. | Besides , the chapter also discusses the relationship among the optimal public debts , public debts and the structure of public capital , and argues that public debts should be spent on those " public capital goods " with high teclinique multiplief , high coefficient in relationship and influence , and great effect in affection 第三,探讨了最优化公债,公债与公共资本结构的关系。认为公债应该用于“公共资本品”上,使用公债投资的公共资本品应该是技术乘数相当高的公共资本品,公债投资的公共资本品应该是关联度和影响力系数高、波及效应大的公共资本品。 |
| 8. | The edsting theq has bo gutl } chai ~ by tbe melityt since its open - up praccc , chinese econonty enjoys much closer relabonships tvith that of other countries , intenational trad and international mpital has played a veq important role in booshng china ' s economp the chinese entry il1to wto at the comnlencement of 2lth centun " means not olily a much closcr tie with the ttorld economy but also much morc complicated twl situallon tl1an before 改革开放以来,中国与世界其他国家的经济联系越来越紧密,国际贸易成为中国促进经济增长的重要因素,国际资本也成为中国资本品积累的重要来源。在21世纪的第一年,中国正式加入了世界贸易组织。这标志着中国经济将进一步融入世界经济,同时也意味着中国经济发展将面临一个更为复杂的外部环境。 |