| 1. | He was able to persuade capital to adopt his plans . 他能说服资方采纳他的计划。 |
| 2. | She is going along with management on this issue . 她在这个问题上同意资方的意见。 |
| 3. | It is management that is at fault rather than the work force . 错在资方而不在劳方。 |
| 4. | She was by now the personal secretary of her employer . 她现在已经当上了资方的私人秘书。 |
| 5. | Workers are in dispute with management about the redundancies . 劳方现就裁员问题与资方争论。 |
| 6. | The strike was called off when the management agreed to negotiate . 资方同意谈判后,罢工不再进行。 |
| 7. | The union accused the management of closing the door on further negotiation . 工会指责资方拒绝进一步谈判。 |
| 8. | The exercise of disciplinary power is a corrective function of the employer . 执行纪律的权力乃是资方的一种纠正职能。 |
| 9. | The whole dispute comes down to a power struggle between management and trade unions . 全部争论其实就是资方与工会间的权力斗争。 |
| 10. | Not until 1916 did the umw finally win recognition from the anthracite operators . 直到1916年,美国矿工联合会才终于得到无烟煤矿资方承认。 |