| 1. | Checking bad competition in importing foreign investment 遏制招商引资中的恶性竞争 |
| 2. | Can i have an advance against next month ' s salary 我能从下月工资中预支一部分款项吗? |
| 3. | Wuyuan report , imar pengzhou report , sichuan 四川省三台县和资中县的报告 |
| 4. | The four errors of inviting outside investment 招商引资中的四个误区 |
| 5. | Zi zhong county swine industry development strategy version 2 资中县生猪产业发展规划第二版 |
| 6. | A pig - raising field school in zizhong 资中县农民养猪田间学校 |
| 7. | A pig - raising field school in zizhong 资中县农民养猪田间学校 |
| 8. | To analyze the area factors in inviting outside investment to gansu 甘肃在招商引资中的区位因素分析 |
| 9. | The manager allowed me to advance 500 yuan on the next month ' s wanges 经理允许我从下个月工资中预支500元。 |
| 10. | Cultivating a fine work style of government in the inviting outside investment 在招商引资中加强政府作风建设 |