Celia said, "i must try not to disappoint them" . 莉亚说:“我力争不让他们败兴而归。”
Domestics are in all countries a spoiled and unruly set . 无论在哪个国家,家务都是桩败兴而又难以驾驭的事情。
If john doesn't know anything about this nonsense, don't tell him, and make jo and laun'e hold their tongues . 假如约翰一点也不知道这件败兴事,就别告诉他,叫裘和劳笠守口如瓶。
Celia said , " i must try not to disappoint them " 莉亚说: “我力争不让他们败兴而归。 ”
You know what , man ? i ain ' t messing up my high tonight , 知道吗,老兄,今晚我不想败兴…
This leads to an ultimate mahjong tournament between the plaza tenants led by lam , and a mahjong master hired by chiu s son to ensure victory 赵新贵决定亲自到商场了解情况,结果败兴而归遍体鳞伤收场。赵新贵深深不忿,开始计划他的逼迁大计。
Someone spends half of his life - time savings on a seaside holiday overseas and ends up coming back disappointed ; and there are people who can row their boats happily in a flood devastated area and really having good fun 有人花费半生积蓄往外国的海滩度假,结果却败兴而返;有些人却可以在水灾灾区中划艇作乐,玩个不亦乐乎。