Chengdu finance & trade vocational senior high school , also called chengdu finance & trade vocational technical secondary school , is a public vocational school of chengdu city 成都市财贸职业高级中学、成都市财贸职业中专学校,是成都市公立职业学校。
The cooperation between finance , banking , taxation and foreign trade is a feasible solution for the foreign trade in hunan province . as a result , it is the basic frame of the foreign trade supporting system in hunan province 财贸协作、银贸协作、税贸协作是湖南财经支持外贸的具体体现,同时也构成湖南外贸财经支持体系的基本框架。
More than 500 professional papers written by the faculty have been published in various journals , including the chinese top - tier journal in accounting , such as accounting research , auditing research and so on 在《会计研究》 、 《审计研究》 、 《财贸经济》 、 《经济管理》等学术刊物发表论文500余篇;出版各类学术著作20余部及浙江省规划教材10余部;获省部级奖、高校人文社科奖以及其他各类科研奖70余项。