便叮叮当当洒一路豪壮: the vivid sounds of tingting dongdong may be hearing on the way
Example Sentences:
The " grandeur and beauty " in si kong - tu ' s poetic styles is characterized by three aesthetic aspects ; the aesthetic subjects have grand spiritual quality , great and heroic vision and impassioned emotional trait ; the aesthetic realm has the feature of " greatness and firmness " ; the subject is harmoniously blended with the objects 摘要司空图《诗品》中的“雄浑美”有三个方面的审美特征:审美主体具有雄健浑厚的精神品格、恢弘豪壮的精神气魄和激烈高昂的感情特色;审美境界具有“至大至刚”的审美特征;心物关系上,具有物我同构、神与物游、物大我亦大的特征。