And the king commanded it so to be done : and the decree was given at shushan ; and they hanged haman ' s ten sons 王就下令这样行;谕旨传遍书珊,人就把哈曼的十个儿子挂在木架上。
I will declare the decree : the lord hath said unto me , thou art my son ; this day have i begotten thee 受膏者说: “我要宣告耶和华的谕旨:耶和华对我说: ‘你是我的儿子,我今日生了你。
The stone slab in front of the gate bears a carving in relief of two dragons playing with a pearl , a symbol of imperial authority 云石刻有二戏珠浮雕为皇家尊严的象征,又是谕旨和敕令的标志。
When the king ' s order and edict had been proclaimed , many girls were brought to the citadel of susa and put under the care of hegai 8王的谕旨传出,就招聚许多女子到书珊城,交给掌管女子的希该。
The couriers , riding the royal horses , raced out , spurred on by the king ' s command . and the edict was also issued in the citadel of susa 14于是骑快马的驿卒被王命催促,急忙起行。谕旨也传遍书珊城。
Artaxerxes , king of kings , unto ezra the priest , a scribe of the law of the god of heaven , perfect peace , and at such a time “诸王之王亚达薛西赐谕旨给以斯拉祭司,精通天上神律法的经学家,愿你平安。
And in every province , and in every city , whithersoever the king ' s commandment and his decree came , the jews had joy and gladness , a feast and a good day 17王的谕旨所到的各省各城,犹大人都欢喜快乐,设摆筵宴,以那日为吉日。
And they delivered the king ' s decrees to the king ' s satraps and to the governors beyond the river , and these supported the people and the house of god 36他们将王的谕旨交给王所派的各总督,与河西的各省长,他们就资助百姓和神殿所需用的。
And they gave the king ' s orders to the king ' s captains and the rulers across the river , and they gave the people and the house of god the help which was needed 他们将王的谕旨交给王所派的总督与河西的省长,他们就帮助百姓,又供给神殿里所需用的。