[ diàobīngqiǎnjiàng ] (调动兵力, 派遣将领) deploy forces; appoint generals and their soldiers (come out ); commission generals and dispatch troops; (sitting at a chessboard) deploy generals and knights; dispatch officers and men; mobilize troops; move troops (from ... towards ...); move troops and dispatch generals; send large contingents of organized men for a military purpose (比喻为做好工作调动各方面的人力)
Example Sentences:
Have you ever taken any care to make me learn what is to besiege a town, or to set an army in array ? 你曾费过半点心思教我攻城夺地、调兵遣将吗?
Manoeuvres of a most extraordinary kind were going on in the vast firmamental hollows overhead . 头顶的茫茫太空中正在进行着一场规模极为罕见的调兵遣将。
Go and poetry enjoyed golden age in china , until about 600 a . d . 下围棋和军事上的运筹帷幄,调兵遣将有几分相似。
The game involves “ command and control , strategy and manoeuvre ” , giving practice on organization ability and logical thinking skills 这种调兵遣将的游戏,可以训练人们的协调能力和逻辑思维。
This week , in the heart of civilized europe , slovaks and hungarians stopped just short of sending in the troops in their contention over a dam on the danube 这个星期,在欧洲文明的中心,斯洛伐克和匈牙利开始为了在多瑙河畔意图建设一个大坝而在调兵遣将。
During master s lecture tour in the middle east and south africa that year , i was assigned to do the liaison work . all of a sudden , this couplet came to mind , making me feel that i was wearing armor and deploying an army to conquer a strange land 直到师父让我负责1999年中东和南非巡回弘法的联络工作时,突然脑海里再度浮现这首对联,顿然感到自己犹如披戴战甲,正在调兵遣将,远征一片陌生的疆土。
Then he developed a close friendship with mr konosuke matsushita , sustaining it with the greatest sincerity , trust , and the most honourable form of business partnership . in running his business his operational principles are founded on the concept of " not to question those to whom duties have been assigned , while not to assign duties to those whom one might question . " with the advent of the 21st century he is taking further steps in his entrepreneurial pursuits 初以人弃我取,人取我与的原则,洞悉先机,在五十年代初,即引进日本产品;随以披心相付、讲信修睦的诚意,与松下幸之助先生结为推心置腹的知交与历久不渝的伙伴;再以用人不疑,疑人不用的原则,运筹帷幄、调兵遣将。