[ shuōdōngdàoxī ] make all kinds of remarks; chatter away on a variety of things; engage in small talk; random talk
Example Sentences:
That is why i prattle and chatter lightly and hide my heart behind words 因此我轻松地说东道西,把我的心藏在语言的后面。
The brown ' s romance was food and drink to a thousand gossip columnists 布朗家的罗曼史为众多说东道西的专栏作家提供了令人陶醉的素材。
Dearest and me too . sonya , natasha , petya , anna mihalovna , vera , and the old count were all hugging him ; and the servants and the maids flocked into the room with talk and outcries 索尼娅娜塔莎彼佳安娜米哈伊洛夫娜薇拉老伯爵都在拥抱他,男女仆人挤满了几个房间,说东道西,高兴得叫起来了。
He devoted himself during the remainder of the evening to keeping a most vigilant watch on mrs . cruncher , and sullenly holding her in conversation that she might be prevented from meditating any petitions to his disadvantage 那天晚上剩下的时间他都十分警惕地监视着克朗彻太太,闷闷不乐地跟她说东道西,不让她进行不利于他的祈祷。