Ⅰ动词 1.(设立; 布置) set up; establish; found 短语和例子 设下天罗地网 spread a dragnet; 设一所学校 establish a school; 总公司设在大连 set up the head office in dalian; 部下面设六个司。under the ministry there are six departments. 我们这个市, 下面设十个区。our municipality is divided into ten districts. 指挥部设在前沿阵地上。 the command post was set up in a forward position.2.(筹划) work out : 设计陷害 plot a frame-up; frame; 设了个圈套 set a trap 3.[数学] (假设) given; suppose; if 短语和例子 设 x = 1 given: x = 1; 设 x 等于 y。 let x be the equal of y. 设长方形的宽是 x 米。suppose the width of a rectangle is x metres.Ⅱ连词 [书面语] (假如; 倘若) if ; in case 短语和例子 设有困难, 当助一臂之力。you can count on me to help in case of difficulty.Ⅲ名词 (姓氏) a surname 短语和例子 设昌 she chang