Ⅰ动词 1.(把印象保持在脑子里) remember; bear in mind; commit to memory 短语和例子 记不清 cannot recall exactly; remember only vaguely; 记错了 remember wrongly; 死记硬背 learn by rote; 我将牢记你的忠告。 i'll bear your advice in mind. 我们要记住这个教训。 we must keep this lesson in mind.2.(记录; 记载;登记) write [jot, take] down; record 短语和例子 把结果记下来 record the results; 记笔记 take notes; 记日记 keep a diary; 记下地址 write down the address; 记下电话号码 jot down the telephone number; 记在笔记本上 write it down in a notebookⅡ名词 1.(记载、描写事物的书或文章) notes; record 短语和例子 大事记 a chronicle of events; 游记 travel notes2.(标志; 符号) mark; sign 短语和例子 暗记儿 secret mark3.(皮肤上生下来就有的深色的斑) birthmark 短语和例子 他左腿有块记。 there is a birthmark on his left leg.Ⅲ量词 [方言] (用于动作的次数) slap 短语和例子 一记耳光 a slap in the face
Example Sentences:
Let pi be the distinct prime divisors of m . 将m的相异素因子记作pi。
I have the memory of posting the letters in my mind . 我记着得寄信。
The policeman took my name and address . 警察记下了我的姓名和住址。
I can not remember precisely what happened . 我记不准所发生的事情了。
Please charge the amount to my account . 请把这笔金额记在我的帐上。
Eye for an eye was drawn from exodus . “以牙还牙”引自《出埃及记》。
Charlotte was still smarting from the slap . 夏洛蒂还记着那一耳光。
She fetched him a terrific slap in the face . 她狠狠地给了他一记耳光。
He kept a careful record of all expenses . 他把一切开支都仔细地记下来。
Now you mention it , i do remember . 经你这样一提,我就记起来了。