| 1. | Clustering and general purpose asynchronous messaging 集群和通用非同步讯息传递 |
| 2. | 5 . short message services - mobile field services management 5 .简短讯息传递-流动地区服务的管理 |
| 3. | We defined support for jms messaging as one of the core requirements toward our esb solution in 我们定义了对jms讯息传递的支援,并将其作为 |
| 4. | Enabling better messages for providing a framework for communicating government decisions on the above 改善讯息传递系统,提供一个传达政府决策的架构; |
| 5. | Has a number of really great patterns and anti - patterns associated with messaging applications 包含大量与讯息传递应用程式相关联的很好的样式和反样式。 |
| 6. | We intend to keep passing on amway ' s values , helping others to stay healthy and gain financial strength 我们在未来会继续把安利的讯息传递开去,为更多人带来健康和财富。 |
| 7. | Information from jesus the christ , by holy spirit through his messenger & servant , brother theophile 主耶稣基督从圣灵,藉著?的讯息传递者和仆人,提阿非罗弟兄而来的讯息。 |
| 8. | For the first time a torch relay embraces the whole world and conveys the message of the olympics to every corner 这是圣火传递首次横跨整个世界,将奥林匹克讯息传递到了每个角落。 |
| 9. | Provides http access to the underlying messaging product ; rest is an alternative to soap over http :透过http存取底层讯息传递产品; rest是透过http进行讯息传递的soap的可选方案。 |
| 10. | Sibus continues to be the default jms provider and core messaging platform for websphere application server Sibus还是websphere application server的缺省jms提供程式和核心讯息传递平台。 |