A solemn assembly of the lodge of the second order was arranged , at which pierre promised to communicate the message he had to give the petersburg brothers from the highest leaders of the order abroad 二级分会的大会已确定举行,皮埃尔答应在分会作报告代替共济会最高领导人向彼得堡的师兄师弟们传达训谕的内容。
This mechanism will do its best to provide educators with the necessary environment and support , to enable them to realize that their education work is a special vocation in christ , giving them a strong sense of mission in performing their duties ; helping them as persons to achieve renewal and sanctification in christ and advance towards an all - round development of the total person , so as to bring about the advent of the kingdom of heaven on earth 办学团体也应尽量提供给教育工作者所需的环境及支持,使他们认同和实践基督的爱,奉福音训谕为思想意志及行为的指引,认识到教育工作是基督特别的召叫,富有使命感去履行他们的工作,促使人的本性在基督内更新及圣化,朝向人的全面及整体发展,使天国早日临现人间。