勿轻訾: don the abilities others may have should never be envied or scorned
Example Sentences:
Her conduct with peters had been snowily blameless . 她对彼得斯的举止行为洁如白雪,无可訾议。
There was one assailable point in this statement 这个声明中有一点是有訾议的。
The investigation revealed one assailable point in his life 调查的结果暴露了他生活中的一个有訾议的地方。
It soothed , but it could not console her for the contempt which had been thus self - attracted by the rest of her family ; - and as she considered that jane s disappointment had in fact been the work of her nearest relations , and reflected how materially the credit of both must be hurt by such impropriety of conduct , she felt depressed beyond any thing she had ever known before 她听了很舒服,可是她并没有因此而感到安慰,因为她家里人不争气,招来他的訾议,并不能从恭维中得到补偿。她认为吉英的失望完全是自己的至亲骨肉一手造成的,她又想到,她们两姐妹的优点也一定会因为至亲骨肉的行为失检而受到损害,想到这里,她感到从来没有过的沮丧。