| 1. | That is, the angular velocity is more than doubled . 即所得的末角速度大于原来的二倍。 |
| 2. | A very ingenious method to limit roll rate is to use "rollerons" . 限制滚动角速度的一个巧妙方法是使用“陀螺舵”。 |
| 3. | What is the angular velocity after the ball has made five complete revolutions ? 在球转了五整圈之后,角速度是多少? |
| 4. | It appears that both rate and displacement controls are acceptable to pilots . 看来角速度操纵和角位移操纵都是驾驶员可接受的。 |
| 5. | If the angular velocity of a body changes, it is said to have an angular acceleration . 如果物体的角速度是改变的,就说这个物体具有角加速度。 |
| 6. | As a consequence of this angular velocity, the field of the relative air flow past the airplane is curved . 由于存在角速度,通过飞机的相对气流流场是弯曲的。 |
| 7. | The desired output information was a measure of slew-rate or angular-velocity input and not position . 所要求的陀螺输出是旋转速率或角速度输入的量度,而不是位置的量度。 |
| 8. | However, as spin speed is increased, the power required to overcome windage and bearing friction rises sharply . 但是,随着自转角速度的增加,克服风阻和轴承摩擦的功率急剧地提高。 |
| 9. | To obtain an accurate measure of the precessional rate one has to attenuate the signal proportional to torquing current by cosβ . 为了准确测量进动角速度,必须使与加矩电流成比例的信号衰减cos倍。 |
| 10. | One instance of simple harmonic motion is that of the projection on any diametre of a point which describes a circular path with uniform angular velocity . 当一质点以匀角速度作圆周运动时,则它在任意直径上的投影的运动便是简谐运动的一例。 |