| 1. | He and his host have started drinking together 他和他的观察对象开始一起喝酒了 |
| 2. | Ekdahl has his own host . that doesn ' t solve anything 艾克达尔自己有观察对象那不解决问题 |
| 3. | Why i chose the internet game server for that 为什么我选择英特网上的游戏中心作为观察对象呢? |
| 4. | Perhaps i could change host 我是不是可以换一个观察对象? |
| 5. | You can think of these views as different ways of looking at an object 你可以将这些视图理解为观察对象的不同方式。 |
| 6. | It means we need a way to control the frequency of updates of viewed entities 这也意味着我们需要一种方法来控制被观察对象的更新包的发送频率。 |
| 7. | Until now we have been working in the dark , with the only observables being the earthquakes themselves 直到现在我们一直在黑暗中工作,唯一的观察对象仅是地震本身。 ” |
| 8. | This is obvious : if you view the object from a different angle , the impostor needs to change to reflect your new viewpoint 这显而易见的:如果你从一个不同的角度观察对象时,视点替用特效需要改变以反映你新的视点。 |
| 9. | America should become an object of explicit o ervation ( not thoughtle imitation ) while china remai a topic of concern and memory 美国应该成为一个可看可摸的观察对象(而不是不加思考的模仿) ,而中国则应成为时时关心与回忆的话题。 |
| 10. | America should become an object of explicit observation ( not thoughtless imitation ) while china remains a topic of concern and memory 美国应该成为一个可看可摸的观察对象(而不是不加思考的模仿) ,而中国则应成为时时关心与回忆的话题。 |