| 1. | Discuss the indistinct question in tree of evolution 进化论对近代西学的选择与汇释 |
| 2. | New territories west school health promotion programme 活动:新界西学校健康推广计划 |
| 3. | Western learning in the academic thought of kang youwei 康有为学术中的西学 |
| 4. | Western learning and birth of modern chinese historiography 西学传播与近代史学的演进 |
| 5. | Dissemination of western leaning and modern chinese philosophy 西学东渐与现代中国哲学 |
| 6. | Kang youwei and his educational concept of the western learning 康有为师法西学的教育观 |
| 7. | Western learning in china and korea and its research trends 略论中朝两国西学及研究动态 |
| 8. | Influence on wang tao ' s classical chinese novel of western culture 西学对王韬文言小说的影响 |
| 9. | Western learning and china ' s occupation education of modern times 西学东渐与近代中国职业教育 |
| 10. | Nt west school health promotion programme 新界西学校健康推广计划 |