| 1. | Journal of southwest university natural science 西南大学学报自然科学版 |
| 2. | Journal of southwest university humanities and social sciences edition 西南大学学报人文社会科学版 |
| 3. | You have had visitors from uk universities , such as 西南大学也有一些来像自加的夫大学等英国大学的访问学者。 |
| 4. | Consideration over implementation of bilingual education in southwest university 在西南大学开展双语教学的思考 |
| 5. | British embassy beijing - press office - speeches - britain and the european union 英国驻北京大使馆-新闻处-演讲稿-西南大学演讲稿 |
| 6. | University . and your leaders and students offer great support to a range of our events here in southwest 我们在西南大学的很多工作都得到了你们学校领导和师生的极大支持。 |
| 7. | He revealed that he had planned to teach physical education course in southwest university , and he wanted to show off his unusual physical power to his fellow citizens 他说自己一直打算去西南大学教授体育,并想向市民展示自己超常的体力。 |
| 8. | Susan peng , graduated from the english department of south china normal university where she got her b . a . degree , is now studying in southwest china university for the master ' s degree 彭苏老师毕业于华南师范大学,获英语语言文学学士学位,为西南大学教育硕士。 |
| 9. | The foundation is studying the possibility of extending its assistance to more universities , for example : southwest university in chongqing , to boost education on the mainland 基金将积极考虑将助学计划推广至其他省份的大学,如重庆西南大学,为提高内地教育水平及培训人才作出更多贡献。 |
| 10. | Wang xiaojia , president of southwest university , told those at one ceremony that more top students were applying for admission ; many from poor provinces in western china and small villages 受惠学校之一的西南大学校长王小佳在该校助学金捐赠仪式上表示,愈来愈多来自全国各地的优秀学生报考该校,不少更是来自内地西部及穷乡僻壤。 |