In 2002 , their share of all newly published titles in germany rose from 8 . 1 to 8 . 7 per cent 年,袖珍本占德国所有初版书籍的比例从
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Paperbacks are becoming even more important in the german book market than in previous years 与前几年相比,袖珍本书籍对德国图书市场具有更重要的意义。
The online english version of " the key of immediate enlightenment : questions and answers volume ii " is now available in print format . simultaneously , the pocket - sized chinese edition of volume iii of the same series has been released 继英文版即刻开悟之钥问答录第二册以电子书的形式与读者见面后,目前该书已付梓并正式发行,而中文版的问答录第三册也以袖珍本同步出书。