You should not include any sort of text or logos in your geometry or textures 不可在几何体或表面材质中加入任何文字或标志。
Note that the double sided leaf material uses a surface shader node as its root node 注意这个双面叶材质使用一个表面材质作它的根材质。
A surface shader is being used because it has no common material attributes of its own 一个表面材质是被使用,是因为它没有一个它自己的共同的材质属性。
The shading network plugged into the emicroscope surface shader creates the look of a bump mapped surface that interpolates between black and light blue depending on how much each point on the surface is facing towards the camera 这个材质网络插入一个电子显微镜的表面材质创建一个凹凸表面的外观,依靠每个点在面对摄像机的方向来在黑色和淡蓝色之间进行插值。
The double sided leaf shader is a surface shader that produces the & quot; double sided & quot; effect by switching between two separate material nodes depending on whether or not the surface normal of the point being shaded is facing the camera 双面叶材质是一个表面材质,能通过切换两个分别的材质节点来产生双面材质效果,它的材质是依赖在表面上的面对摄像机时的表面法线方向与否来区分被着色点。