| 1. | An eparchy was a civil administrative district in the byzantine empire . 都区过去是拜占庭帝国行政区划的一级。 |
| 2. | China economy division in administration division 行政区划窠臼内的中国经济区划 |
| 3. | Codes for forest resources . forestry administrative divisions 森林资源代码.林业行政区划 |
| 4. | China ' s administrative region division reform and mechanism 中国当前的行政区划改革及其机制 |
| 5. | Administrative districts : 10 provinces and 2 territories 行政区划:全国设10个省和2个地区。 |
| 6. | Administrative demarcation and urban development 行政区划与城市发展 |
| 7. | After the liberation , the primary district division was followed 解放后,仍沿袭原行政区划。 |
| 8. | Study on administrative division of xuancheng 宣城地区行政区划研究 |
| 9. | On administrative division adjustment and urbanization promotion 试论行政区划调整与推进城市化 |
| 10. | Significance of studying the history of administrative areas division 行政区划史研究的重要意义 |