| 1. | Clinical application of clancy autism behavior scale 克氏孤独症行为量表的临床应用木 |
| 2. | Behavior problems of children with simple obesity 行为量表调查 |
| 3. | An investigation on the standardization of child behavior checklist and behavior problems in the west of liaoning province 艾氏儿童行为量表辽西地区标准化及行为问题调查 |
| 4. | Results of a qualitative study and a literature review were used to inform the initial development of the 69 - item hbs 根据先前的质性研究结果与文献查证拟出含69题项的健康行为量表。 |
| 5. | Content validity of the hbs was evaluated using a panel of experts and convergent validity was used to support the construct validity of the hbs 健康行为量表的内在效度采专家效度,辐合效度支持健康行为量表建构效度。 |
| 6. | All participants completed demographic data , leadership scale for sport ( lss ) , and intrinsic motivation questionnaire ( imi ) during non competition period 在非比赛期间填写,基本资料、教练领导行为量表与内在动机量表。 |
| 7. | In the second study , the results of testing the measurement model of the health behavior scale indicated good reliability and accounted for a large amount of variance 第二个研究是做健康行为量表整个量测模式的检定,结果显示本量表具有良好的信度,且能解释大的变异量。 |
| 8. | The subjects of this study were seventy - nine coronary inpatients ; all the patients in the study were selected from the cardiac medical ward of a medical center in taipei 本研究以问卷调查法,收集79名住院之冠状动脉疾病病人为研究物件,采用自拟之“冠状动脉疾病认知、态度及自我照顾行为量表”为研究工具。 |
| 9. | N . the new problem behavior scale for junior high school students can cover the problem behaviors among junior high school students . and it has high resurvey reliability . internal homogeneity reliability . construction and content validity . id ( 2 )自编的初中生问题行为量表能较为全面地反映初中生的常见问题行为,并且该量表具有较高的再测信度、内部同质性信度和较好的结构效度和内容效度。 |
| 10. | Problem behaviors are very serious and widespread among children , which have been paid abroad attention . since 1920 ' s , many researchers have worked out a great number of problem behavior scales for children and studied the developing tendency influencing factors and causes of children ' s problem behaviors . but most research just put emphasis on simple measurement and correlation analysis . only in recent years , much attention has began to be given to educational intervention 儿童问题行为以其严重性和普遍性,已引起人们的广泛关注。自20世纪20年代以来,研究者编制了大量儿童问题行为量表,考察了儿童问题行为的发展趋势,着重探讨儿童问题行为的影响因素和形成原因,但这些研究多是停留于简单测量和相关分析,只是近年来才开始注重问题行为的教育干预研究。 |