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Chinese translation for "血晕swooning"

off due to excessive loss of blood during child delivery

Related Translations:
血晕:  血晕swooning off due to excessive loss of blood during child delivery
产后血晕:  postpartum anemia faintingpostpartum faintness
swoon:  n.昏厥,晕倒;神魂颠倒。 fall into a swoon 晕过去,昏倒。vi.1.晕过去,昏倒;神魂颠倒。2.(乐声等)渐渐微弱,渐渐消失。
swoon for:  为...狂喜
swoon with pain:  痛得晕过去
waken from a swoon:  苏醒过来
fall into a swoon:  晕厥, 昏倒
feel a bit dizzy swoon:  有点头晕
sudden fall into a swoon:  卒然昏倒
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