| 1. | A haemophiliac ' s blood will not clot properly 血友病患者的血液凝固不良 |
| 2. | A person who is affected with hemophilia 血友病患者感染血友病的人 |
| 3. | They ' re all hemophiliacs 他们都是血友病患者 |
| 4. | At the end of february , a group of canadian haemophiliacs infected with hiv and hepatitis c descended on washington 今年2月底,加拿大的一个染上艾滋病病毒和丙型肝炎的血友病患者团体突然造访华盛顿。 |
| 5. | Provides assistance to hiv - infected haemophiliacs and generally strengthens medical and support services and public education on aids -向受爱滋病病毒感染的血友病患者提供援助加强医疗和支援服务,以及加深?民对爱滋病的认识。 |
| 6. | " aids virus - infected patients taken good care of , " xinhua , 7 december 1987 ; n lexis - nexis academic universe , 7 december 1987 , http : / / www . lexisnexis . com 2月7日中国报道`第一例13岁的中国血友病患者因使用进口的血液制品而感染艾滋病死亡。 |
| 7. | Provides a subscription - based service for access to major electronic medical and healthcare journals , books and databases . operated by the hospital authority -向受爱滋病病毒感染的血友病患者提供援助加强医疗和支援服务,以及加深市民对爱滋病的认识。 |
| 8. | Delhi ( reuters health ) feb 14 - in india , patients with hemophilia are at increased risk of developing osteoporosis , according to the results of a new study 德里(路透健康) 2月14日?根据一项新的研究结果表明,在印度,血友病患者患进行性骨质疏松的危险增加。 |
| 9. | Humate - p is the second biological product to be approved for the management of surgery and invasive procedures in patients with vwd in whom the medication desmopressin may not work 是第二个被批准用于去氨加压素可能无效的血管性血友病患者的外科手术和侵入操作的生物制品。 |
| 10. | “ china has not yet discovered aids patients , " xinhua , 24 october 1986 ; in lexis - nexis academic universe , 24 october 1986 , http : / / www . lexisnexis . com 10月4名中国血友病患者在使用美国进口的血液制品后被发现艾滋病病毒阳性,这是中国官方第一次有关中国公民艾滋病病毒阳性的报道。 |