The materials made of it are two chinese traditional medicine ? lily magnolia and cicada skin 因其憨态可掬,惹人喜爱,它是由两味中草药辛夷和蝉蜕做成的。
When primitive mind is disintegrated , " the sacred tool " loses its " utility " , and primitive metaphor becomes poetic metaphor of pure mind 当原始思维解体, “神圣的工具”脱落了“有用性” ,原始隐喻也就蝉蜕羽化为纯精神性的诗性隐喻。
But how can it be true that the sounds of stepping on the most dried fallen leaves and cicada sloughs are echoing so long , so far in the empty valley of my heart 而脚下踩着干透的落叶和蝉蜕时发出的碎裂声,何以在我的心的空谷中,那么悠远,那么长久地回荡
Make lily magnolia and cicada skin together with gluewater , and then put on some clothing and sword , a vivid monkey shape comes into being 辛夷是玉兰花冬天的花蕾,蝉蜕则是俗称的“知了”皮,用胶水粘接在一起,配以服饰、道具等,一具活生生的毛猴就诞生了。