But very quick in the inside of the comfortable environment of will exuviate to change in character , this kind of phenomenon is the most lamentable 但是在舒适的环境里面很快的就会蜕化变质,这种现象是最可悲的
Using the contrary examples of several cadres that have gradually changed and deteriorated starting from the acceptance of a “ red envelop ” , and cordially adviced each of the carders and judges not to be blinded by the emotional touch of the “ red envelop ” , and not to be hit by this “ sugar - coated cannonball ” , and that they must be cautious about power , guard themselves against greed , discipline themselves and cultivate their characters 他以一些领导干部从收受邪红包”开始逐步蜕化变质的反面事例,语重心长地告诫每位领导干部和法官,不要被“红包”的感情色彩所蒙蔽,被“糖衣炮弹”所击倒,一定要慎权、戒贪、律己、修德。