Effect of 35 phoxim micro - capsule suspension on controlling peanut grub 辛硫磷微胶囊剂防治花生蛴螬效果分析
The effects of grazing pressures on scarabaeoidae larvae community in neimongol typical steppe 内蒙古典型草原蛴螬群落对放牧强度变化的响应研究
Characteristics of spatial distribution for the main populations of scarabaeoideal larvae in stipa grandis steppe 大针茅草原蛴螬群落主要种群空间分布特征研究
The varieties of underground insect were grub , maladera orientalis motschulsky , gryllotalpa africana pallisot et beauvois , and grub was the predominant species 地下部种类有蛴螬、黑绒鳃金龟、东方蝼蛄,优势种为蛴螬。
This article reviews the works about the main species of chinese underground pest grub and their occurrence , chemical and biological control 摘要总结了我国地下害虫蛴螬的发生种类及基本为害情况,归纳了蛴螬的化学、生物与其他防治方法。
Range and method of use : it can prevent various kinds of soil pests and pests on leaf corps , such as grubs , mole crickets , agrotis segetum , leafhoppers , crickets , cockchafer , bugs , armyworms , grasshoppers , and etc 使用范围及方法:防治多种土壤害虫和许多叶类作物上的害虫,如:蛴螬、蝼蛄、地老虎、叶蝉、蟋蟀、金龟子、臭虫、粘虫、蚱蜢等。