Paul templarhaus managed to lose money everywhere he opened a shop . 保罗坦普纳豪斯无论在哪里开店都要蚀本。
Paul templarhaus managed to lose money everywhere he opened a shop 保罗?坦普纳豪斯无论在哪里开店都要蚀本。
We can positively assert that his majesty did not quit the pont - neuf . " lucien half smiled 本报可证实陛下并未离开新桥的时候,她肯定会蚀本啦。 ”
If any fool does not understand this and refuses to sleep , he will have no energy the next day , and that is a losing proposition 如果有什么蠢人,不知此理,拒绝睡觉,他明天就没有精神了,这是蚀本生意。
For them , the temptation of quick money is even greater , for if their judgements about market reaction are sound , the downside risks of the financial markets working against them are minimised . as the local punters say , the door to losses has been safely sealed 试想若他们预早作好投资部署,市场反应又果如他们所料,他们受不利市况影响的机会可以大减套句本地投机者的话,就像封了蚀本门一样。
Imposing service fees on small investors is in fact a prudent way of doing business , and it is also a sensible way for the banks to minimize losses . if a bank disregards all these considerations , its management is irresponsible and it fails their investors as well as customers 向小存户收取手续费,其实是稳健经营的手法之一,也是银行不愿做蚀本生意的求存之道,若非如此,银行的管理层才是不负责任,有负股东和客户。