look at fiercely as a tiger does; eye with hostility; cast covetous eyes on ...; casting a greedy eye on its prey; glare at fiercely; glare at sb. like a ravening tiger; glare like a tiger (at its prey); with a covetous look
Example Sentences:
Usually he walked around threatening the sick men with a strait jacket which he always carried over his arm . 通常他总是转来转去,手臂上搭着一件拘束衣,对病员们虎视眈眈。
There are people who would jump at the chance 多少人在虎视眈眈的盯着这位子
And she ' s been aching for some practice 她一直在虎视眈眈蓄势待发
Carlos ghosn , who runs renault and nissan , has looked at jaguar too 另外,雷诺日产的卡洛斯?戈恩对捷豹也是虎视眈眈。
A man is scared like a mouse , for his wife becomes a tiger after marriage 男人婚后胆小如鼠,是因为他的女人婚后虎视眈眈
Close colleagues may want your job , and relationships with them may distract you 亲密的朋友可能对你的位置虎视眈眈,而与他们的私人关系也会影响到你的判断。
And everyone ' s involved : governments , multinational drug companies , rogue states , and terrorist 人人皆无法置身事外:政府,跨国制药公司,流氓政权和恐怖分子都在虎视眈眈。
Foreign of iron & steel grand corporations have already gazed on the domestic steel material market 国外钢铁大企业集团对我国国内钢材市场早已虎视眈眈,国内钢材市场国际化竞争日趋激烈。
The absence of santana in the al east is also good news for the blue jays , who may be ready to compete for the division title 桑塔那不交易来美联东区对于虎视眈眈美联东区王座的多伦多蓝鸟队而言也是好消息。
It is here that india poses a special threat , not least because of its prowling , hungry home - grown tiger companies 对于蓝色巨人而言,印度是一个特别的威胁,而这并不只是因为那些虎视眈眈、伺机而动的印度企业。