[ ǒuduànsīlián ] a section of arrowroot is separated, but the clinging fibre remains.; even when the lotus root breaks, the fibres still hold together.; not completely cut off; one's love, like a lotus root, linked by fibres though divided.; the lotus root breaks, but the fibres hold together -- the affection cannot be entirely severed.; the lotus root snaps but its fibres stay joined -- apparently severed, actually still connected.; two lovers may be forced to part, but their love remains
Example Sentences:
Yes, and i do mind if she furnishes your roomsi do mind. i mind that you keep her hanging on at all . 是的,如果她为你布置房间,我会不高兴的。我确实有这种想法,我不喜欢你与她藕断丝连的。
Can there still be something between them 他们之间还藕断丝连吗
These two sub - plots are carried out quite effectively , especially the romance between chow and yu . although their characters are not too well developed , the interactions of these two are captivating 到了中段,开始出现一些支节,例如余文乐和周丽淇的恋情、陈小春和韩君婷的藕断丝连等。
A bitingly funny and honest look at modern relationships , closer is the story of four strangers julia roberts , jude law , natalie portman and clive owen - their chance meetings , instant attractions and casual betrayals 莱利与安娜结婚后,安娜并没有忘记丹,仍与他藕断丝连同时,失落的爱丽斯为了报复,不惜自残,她在夜总会巧遇莱利。
As the emigrants ' ancestors who came across the sea from china pass on to the later generations their memory of " china " , and the still later ones to their offspring , it is impossible for the south - east asian literature in chinese language to shake off its entangled relationship with the chinese culture 从中国飘洋过海而来的祖辈们把“中国”的记忆传递给下一代,并且一代接一代地传递下去,以致东南亚华文文学始终无法抛开与中国文化藕断丝连的关系。
The quiescence of the never really blossomed love between chang chang chen and hua gong li is elaborated by their seemingly closed yet distant dialogues and interaction . apart from the " handjob " in the beginning , chang and hua never really approach each other further , the most chang does is merely playing with the " qipau " chinese dress of hua in his little seaming room . in this scene , wong kar wai accurately and convincingly visualizes the repressed mind of the character who is engaging in a forbidden affair 小张和华小姐尽管藕断丝连但除了最初的手外两人皆没有进一步的亲密身体接触小张苦恋著华最亲密的动作只不过是把玩她的衣服这种对于爱欲和感情的压抑可以算是继花样年华内梁朝伟把心事寄托于石洞后最成功又最令人感伤的一次情感发泄也是整部爱神中最教人动容的一幕。