become a common practice; this practice has grown into a general trend
Example Sentences:
The significance and role of private tutoring are questions to be answered by policy makers , parents and education providers 但随著补习教育蔚成风气,政策者,家长及教育界应该对补习教育的角色及其影响更加关注
The significance and role of private tutoring are questions to be answered by policy makers , parents and education providers 但随著补习教育蔚成风气,政策者,家长及教育界应该对补习教育的角色及其影响更加关注
Sixth , we need to carry out an extensive and long - term resource conservation campaign throughout the country to heighten public awareness of the need to conserve resources 六要在全社会广泛持久地开展资源节约活动,使建设资源节约型社会深入人心,蔚成风气。
As private tutoring becomes more and more popular among students in hong kong , can the government still regard formal schooling as its sole main responsibility and leave tutoring for market mechanism or self - regulation 现今补习教育已经蔚成风气,政府是否仍可以认为其主要责任在正规(学校)教育身上,而补习教育是额外的,其运作理由以市场作主导和依赖自我监管呢? ”