In the aquariums outside the restaurants , a wide range of live sea fish and shellfish are available for customers to choose for their dishes right away 餐馆外的水族箱蓄养了品种繁多的海产,现捞即烹,加上悠闲的假日情调和海滨美景,在此用餐享受一流。
The combined effort of wanting to harmonize the body and mind while mastering the timely preservation and use of strength can bring about the unification of the body , mind and spirit 事实上若要蓄养内力,非但应该食素戒断肉食,还应该发展灵性力量,以期更能统摄身心,懂得适时保存及发挥力量,达到身心灵完整的统合。
This is because after vegetables , minerals and grains are digested and absorbed in the human body , they release a vibrant life force much like the energy they originally contained . this gives vegetarians a perfect sense of balance in countering outside forces , and enables them to fully exercise their superb stamina and inner strength in any form of sport with or without an opponent 因为植矿物所蕴藏的能量,在体内消化后蓄养出的力量,具有它本身原有的特质强劲的生命力,且对于外在的力量有一种很好的平衡感,自然在运动中不论有无对手,均能发挥绝佳的耐力与内在的力道。