After seven or eight years day lilies become root - bound and will not bloom well unless they are divided 萱草在一个地方生长了七八年之后,根须延伸就受到限制,除将它们分开移栽,否则难以开花。
There are five species of day lilies that can be evergreen all the year round in suzhou introduced in this text , and depicted detailedly those character from the angle of view and admire and cultivation technique . this offered the basis for enriching plant species of the gardens and virescence 回答:本文介绍了5个在苏州地区可以四季常青的萱草品种,并对其观赏特征、栽培技术的作了详细的描述,为丰富园林绿化植物种类提供了依据。
There are five species of day lilies that can be evergreen all the year round in suzhou introduced in this text , and depicted detailedly those character from the angle of view and admire and cultivation technique . this offered the basis for enriching plant species of the gardens and virescence 2005年4月10日本文介绍了5个在苏州地区可以四季常青的萱草品种,并对其观赏特征、栽培技术的作了详细的描述,为丰富园林绿化植物种类提供了依据。