| 1. | Mycorhizae perform the function of nitrogen fixation and storage . 菌根起着固氮和贮氮的作用。 |
| 2. | The site had been inoculated with soil containing suitable mycorrhizal fungi . 在生境中用带有合适菌根真菌的土壤接种。 |
| 3. | A second important feature is the development of rhizomorphs by some fungi . 第二个重要的特征是一些真菌有发达的菌根。 |
| 4. | Monterey pine needs mycorrhizae, which were already present or inadvertently introduced into many areas . 辐射松需有菌根共生,这种真菌可能存在于许多地方或已无意中被引入了许多地区。 |
| 5. | Remediation of mycorrhiza on cd contaminated soil 镉污染土壤的菌根修复研究 |
| 6. | Advances in bioremediation of petroleum contaminated soil 石油污染土壤菌根修复技术研究 |
| 7. | Interaction of associative nitrogen - fixation bacteria with evcaiyptus 固氮植物的菌根研究 |
| 8. | These four are plarix - 2 , pbetula - 2 , bostryopsis - 1 and wpinus - 2 经鉴定有8个外生菌根真菌。 |
| 9. | Am fungi in the tropical rain forest of xishuangbanna 西双版纳热带雨林中丛枝菌根真菌的初步研究 |
| 10. | Research and utilization of hot - water to prevent root - knot nematodes 菌根真菌在马铃薯上的应用效果 |