薰莸异器: the difference between good and evil; good and bad men [things] cannot be classed together.; the good cannot coexist with the evil; the sweet grass and the smelly grass cannot be stored up
Studies on the relation between scale treatment , color change and lily bullet formation in tissue culture 彩叶木本花卉金叶莸的引种与栽培
“ tae way 4606899199 in which the man lxk f genius rules is by nersuading an efficient minority to coerce an indifferent and self - indulgent majority ” ( james fitzjames stephen ) “ ?个天才的管理方式是说服高效率地少数? 7356768来强制嗉切淠?摹晕曳抛莸亩嗍?恕薄? (詹姆斯?菲次詹姆斯?斯蒂芬) 。