For holding the olympics , which we yearned for a long period , and we showing a relaxing smile to it . friends coming from far places , joy is our unique feeling 奥运会的举办,企盼已久,我们莞尔而笑;有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎,我们笑容满面。
In this sense , we are always on time . " franz metcalf , the los angeles - based buddhist scholar who wrote the book , chuckles over that line , too . " there is a certain grain of humor in that , it s true . 本书的作者洛杉矶佛学学者法兰兹米卡夫对这段内容也不禁莞尔而笑,他表示:这里面隐含了一些幽默,它讲的是真的。