On mi fu ' s viewpoint of the chinese calligraphy art 米芾的书法艺术观
Poem to author s relatives in running - regular script northern song mi fu 米芾行书苕溪诗卷
Historical research on mi fu ' s stay in lianshui 米芾在涟水考
Mi fu and his calligraphy works 略谈米芾及其书法作品
Among the best carvings is a self - portrait of mi fu , a famous painter , and a poem by fan dacheng , a famous poet , both from the song dynasty 960 - 1279 洞壁上石刻甚多,最著名的有宋代书画家米芾的自画像和诗人范成大的题诗,可称珍品。
This paper holds that the ideas of and approaches to the decoration and restoration of painting and calligraphy taken by zhang yanyuan and mi fei are of classical significance , and that the difficulties in restoring chinese painting and calligraphy determine the destiny of millions of classical chinese paintings and calligraphy 摘要本文认为,张彦远、米芾等人关于书画装潢与修复的观点和方法具有经典性意义,指出今天中国书画修复所面临的问题,这也直接关系到数以百万计的古旧书画的命运。
Because of nanyue mountain ( chang shou - shan ) , shek kwu college ( song taizong treason 2003 , the national academy of four ) , with wang chuan , cai lun , fu li , peng yu - scales , and other celebrities and the birth of the precipitation value xiang cultural uniqueness yanfeng rain , shek kwu jiangshan , anther spring river , xue - ling yue ping , zhu ling shidong , grass white wine bridge home , the west lake night - white lotus , look at the east , and warm peach wave steaming mountain city shigu , hunan , lei sanshui in this intersection and the huang director 因受南岳衡山(五岳寿山) 、石鼓书院(宋太宗至道三年,全国四大书院之一)影响,随着王船山、蔡伦、李芾、彭玉鳞等众多名人的诞生而沉淀了衡湘文化的精髓,雁峰烟雨、石鼓江山、花药春溪、岳屏雪岭、朱陵诗洞、青草桥头酒白家、西湖夜放白莲花、细看东州桃浪暖及市内石鼓山下蒸、湘、耒三水在此交汇而名遐三湘。