| 1. | Ekin searches for dolphins from the mast 伊健在船桅上寻找海豚芳踪。 |
| 2. | Once ? i ? crossed ? 7 ? rivers ? to ? find ? my ? love 曾为寻觅芳踪?穿山越水 |
| 3. | Cold here , icy cold there . you belong to neither , leaves have withered 两地天寒,在萧索的枯叶里,我又何处觅你芳踪? |
| 4. | Therefore , day after day , i wonder why , i wonder how , i wonder where you are 我日复一日的琢磨你的心思,挂念你的安危,想知道你的芳踪 |
| 5. | It will be a pilgrimage in the footsteps of st francis of assisi , prophet and witness of peace 它(前往亚西西祈祷)将是一次朝圣之旅,步武和平的先知与见证者圣方济各?亚西西的芳踪。 |
| 6. | Once you get to know those feathered friends , go to the countryside or a nature reserve and look for more 当你愈来愈了解这些有羽毛的朋友,就可以到郊外或自然保护区寻觅更多鸟的芳踪了。 |
| 7. | Hundreds of hungry orcas follow in their wake , trailed in turn by those like me , who come in pursuit of the orcas 数百只饥饿的虎鲸尾随而来,依次跟在虎鲸后面的是许多和我一样来追寻虎鲸芳踪的人。 |
| 8. | Twenty of honda ' s latest fcx and 30 of ford ' s focus fcv fuel - cell - powered compacts will soon be on the highways 再过不久, 20辆本田汽车最新款的fcx与30辆福特汽车fcv燃料电池动力车的芳踪,就会出现在高速公路上。 |
| 9. | Some locals who have been making money by acting as guides for western tourists keen for a sight of the animals are not happy about the cull 那些专门靠为觅熊"芳踪"而来的西方游客带路赚钱的当地人就是其中之一。 |
| 10. | Only now and again a sadness fell upon me , and i started up from my dream and felt a sweet trace of a strange fragrance in the south wind 不时地有一段的幽愁来袭击我,我从梦中惊起,觉得南风里有一阵奇香的芳踪。 |