Ⅰ形容词 1.(色彩光泽鲜明好看) gorgeous; colourful; gaudy 短语和例子 娇艳 delicate and charming; tender and beautiful; 百花争艳。 flowers blossom in a riot of colour.2.(关于爱情方面的) amorous 短语和例子 艳情 sexual passion; love; 艳诗 love poem in a flowery styleⅡ动词 [书面语] (羡慕) admire; envy
Now this princess, who was wonderfully pretty, was just sixteen years old . 公主刚满十六岁,生得姣艳绝伦。
Bees moved, humming thoughtfully, from scarlet poppy to purple thistle . 蜜蜂在鲜红的罂粟花和艳紫的蓟草花之间飞舞嗡嗡低吟。
Bees moved, humming thoughtfully, from scarlet poppy to purple thistle . 蜜蜂在鲜红的罂粟花和艳紫的蓟草花之间飞舞,嗡嗡低吟。
They talked to each other and shared their oranges with the tawdry girls who sat beside them . 他们互相交谈着,并和边上坐着的那些衣着俗艳的姑娘分食着桔子。
She had on an emerald green housecoat in vivid contrast to her neatly combed black hair . 她穿了一件艳绿色的宽大便服,与她梳得整整齐齐的黑发形成了生动的对比。
A tiny bunch of lilies contrasted sharply with the vivid roses, daffodils, tulips and anemones that surrounded it . 一小束素净的铃兰和周围群艳的玫瑰、水仙、郁金香、白头翁相映成趣。
What a sheer waste of herself to be dressed thus while another was shining to advantage ! 另一个女人,在那儿放光射彩,呈艳斗丽,而自己却这样古里古怪装束打扮,这不是完全糟蹋自己吗?
"don't run down dyed hair and painted faces. there is an extraordinary charm in them, sometimes," said lord henry . “别把染头发和浓装艳抹贬得那么低,有时候它们也相当动人,”亨利勋爵说。
About half past eight i passed by an absurd little theatre, with great flaring gas-jets and gaudy play bills . 大约八点半的时候,我从一家可笑的小剧场前走过,那儿有点光亮的煤气灯和俗艳的海报。
The two sisters stooped, broad, lethargic; stooping, they presented an incredible expanse of pale cloth and a flutter of tawdry ribbons . 这两个身宽体胖,无精打彩的姐姐只好屈下身去,她们弯腰时,背影成了宽大得叫人不敢相信的一块白布,还飘拂着艳俗的缎带。