The slate found everywhere in the tawu mountain area is a heaven - sent material . as well as being used to make stone houses , stone tables and stone seats , it can be carved to amazing effect 大武山区遍山页岩,石板就是天赐良材,石屋石桌石椅外,石板雕刻更见功力。
Liangcai zhou , male , born in 1944 in shanghang , fujian , graduated from jiangxi normal college majoring in fine arts in 1966 , is a professorof the college of gine arts , jxnu , an advisor of graduate students specializing in traditional chinese painting , the vice - chaiman of jiangxi atists association an invited artist of jiangxi calligraphy and traditional chinee painting academic 作者:邹良材男1944年生,福建上杭人, 1966年毕于江西师范学院艺术系,现为江西师范大学美术学院教授、中国画硕士研究生导师,江西省美术家协会副主席、江西省中国画研究会副会长、江西书画院特聘画家。