Article 20 the mortgages shall be extinguished when the mortgaged ship is lost 第二十条被低押船舶灭失,抵押权随之消灭。
The conclusion is that the scope of real subrogation of mortgage after the loss or damage of ship should be in consistence with that stipulated by the suggestion of real law 结论是船舶灭失后的物上代位物的范围应包括《物权法建议稿》规定的范围。第四部分是关于船舶留置权中的问题。
The second question is whether the possessory liener has the right of real subrogation after the loss of ship . and the conclusion is that we should admit the right of property subrogation 第二个问题是船舶留置权是否具有物上代位性,结论是应承认船舶灭失后债权人留置权的物上代位性。