| 1. | Study and comparisons of our present maritime policies 我国现行航运政策的比较研究 |
| 2. | By analyzing the aim of modern shipping industry 通过对现代航运政策目的之分析,探讨我国国际航运政策目标。 |
| 3. | The second part is about the establishment of the international policy system 第二部分,建立我国国际航运政策体系的思考。 |
| 4. | The shipping policy in the former period was with great planned economy characteristics 建国后我国国际航运政策分两大时期:计划经济时期和改革开放时期的国际航运政策。 |
| 5. | The first part expounds and evaluates the development of the shipping industry and the evolution of the international shipping policy from the opium war to now 第一部分,论述我国航运业的发展、国际航运政策的沿革并对之进行评价。 |
| 6. | After this period of studying , i have got the knowledge of the development of the shipping industry in our country , discussed the main shipping policies and regulations 本人通过这一阶段的学习和研究,对我国航运经济和航运市场的发展、我国现有主要航运政策和立法体系进行了分析和讨论。 |
| 7. | Based on the situation of our country , combining the inherent law of the economic development and in light of the development of the shipping industry , the dissertation analyzes the international shipping policy of our country 本文主要立足于我国的情况,结合经济发展的内在规律,从航运业的发展着手,从历史与现实两个层面对我国国际航运政策进行分析、探讨。 |
| 8. | I discuss the principle of china " s shipping policies which will ensure the feasibility and scientific nature of the policies . in this part the meaning of the legislation of policy and the current situation of the shipping industry are also mentioned 在确定原则的基础上,对完善我国国际航运政策的立法体系进行了思考:比如政策法律化的意义;我国国际航运政策法律化的现状;完善国际航运政策的立法体系;国际航运管理体系。 |
| 9. | The keys of improving the shipping industry of our country is to change the function of the government , to take the reforming in the shipping structure , to modifying the shipping regulator system , to guide the whole shipping industry , in order to carry forward of our advantage , and recover our shortage , to fit for the future situation 在加入wto过程中,政府部门将起到非常重要的作用,能否通过政府职能转变,行业结构调整,航运政策导向和航运法律、法规的完善实施,给予全行业正确的引导,是我国航运能否扬长避短,克服困难,适应入世后的市场竞争,发展我国航运业的关键之一。 |
| 10. | After the adoption of reform and opening to the outside world , with the reform of the management mechanism , great changes have taken place in the international shipping policies , with enterprises separated from the government , the shipping market opened to the foreign countries and the protection to the domestic shipping industry reduced 前一阶段航运政策体现计划经济特征,是国家绝对保护和扶持的政策。改革开放以来,随着管理体制的改革,国际航运政策发生很大变化,实行政企分开,开放航运市场,减少对本国航运的保护,逐步与市场经济相适应,逐步与国际惯例相协调。 |