| 1. | The virus has a fatality rate of about 30 % 病毒的致死率是约30 % 。 |
| 2. | Its mortality rate , in its most virulent strains , is 90 % 由于该病毒含有剧毒的菌株,因此它的致死率为90 % 。 |
| 3. | Diabetes is one of this nation ' s most prevalent , debilitating , deadly and costly diseases 糖尿病是国家流行最广,使人身体虚弱,致死率高,花费大的疾病之一。 |
| 4. | The drop exceeded united nations ' targets and followed a massive immunization campaign 致死率的下降超出了联合国的(预期)目标并且带动了一次广泛的免疫战役。 |
| 5. | India , pakistan , nigeria and tanzania all have roughly the same death rate for cardiovascular disease : 400 per 100 , 000 在印度、巴基斯坦、尼日利亚和坦桑尼亚,心血管病致死率为10万分之400 ,几乎和传染病致死率一样。 |
| 6. | Death rates for those between 30 and 69 years of age in india , russia and brazil are two or three times higher than in canada and britain 在印度、俄罗斯和巴西, 30岁到69岁的人患上慢性病的致死率高于加拿大和英国两到三倍。 |
| 7. | Doctors say deaths from measles , one of the most infectious diseases in the world have fallen by 60 % in six years world wide and 75 % in africa 医疗专家们称,世界上最具传染性的一项疾病- -麻疹的致死率在六年内在世界范围内已经下降了60 % ,在非洲下降了75 % 。 |
| 8. | It killed more people in 2006 than it did in 2005 or 2004 , they point out , and its fatality rate is rising ? 61 percent now , up from 43 percent in 2005 他们指出2006年被病毒夺去生命的人多于2005年和2004年,病毒致死率仍在上升? ?从2005年的43 %上升至现在的61 % 。 |
| 9. | Because of gpv highly contagious , new genetic engineering vaccine and a rapid , special and simple diagnosis method is required to prevent and detect the infection 由于本病传播快、致死率高,开发研制新型的基因工程疫苗以及建立一种快速、简便、特异的诊断方法非常必要。 |
| 10. | The left strains induced mortality in the ranges of 6 % - 77 % . however , all strains could cause severe atrophy of the bursa and thymuses , no matter they caused high or low mortality 其余毒株对spf鸡的致死率则介于6 ? 77之间,但是所有毒株都能造成法氏囊和胸腺的显著萎缩。 |