Strong man exults in his physical ability, delighting in such exercises as call his muscles into action . 大力士喜欢炫耀自己的膂力,酷嗜锻炼肌肉之类的运动。
And what shoulder , & what art , could twist the sinews of thy heart ? and when thy heart began to beat , what dread hand ? & what dread feet 又是怎样的膂力,怎样的技巧,把你的心脏的筋肉捏成?当你的心脏开始搏动时,使用怎样猛的手腕和脚胫?
Rude am i in my speech , and little bless ' d with the soft phrase of peace : for since these arms of mine had seven years ' pith , till now some nine moons wasted , they have used their dearest action in the tented field , and little of this great world can i speak , more than pertains to feats of broil and battle , and therefore little shall i grace my cause in speaking for myself 我的言语是粗鲁的,一点不懂得那些温文尔雅的辞令;因为自从我这双手臂长了七年的膂力以后,直到最近这九个月以前,它们一直都在战场上发挥它们的本领;对于这一个广大的世界,我除了冲锋陷阵以外,几乎一无所知,所以我也不能用什麽动人的字句替我自己辩护。
And with that he took the bloody old towser by the scruff of the neck and , by jesus , he near throttled him . the figure seated on a large boulder at the foot of a round tower was that of a broadshouldered deepchested stronglimbed frankeyed redhaired freely freckled shaggybearded wide - mouthed largenosed longheaded deepvoiced barekneed brawnyhanded hairylegged ruddyfaced sinewyarmed hero 坐在圆形炮塔脚下大圆石上的那个人生得肩宽胸厚,四肢健壮,眼神坦率,红头发,满脸雀斑,胡子拉碴,阔嘴大鼻,长长的头,嗓音深沉,光着膝盖,膂力过人,腿上多毛,面色红润,胳膊发达,一副英雄气概。