按摩腰眼: auto lumbomassageauto massage on the lumbodorsal regionauto-lumbo massageauto-massage on the lumbodorsal regionauto-massage on the lunbodorsal regionautolumbomassage
Example Sentences:
Operation : put a hand on beneficiary ' s shoulder , stroke with another hand from shoulder blade to either side of the small of the back 要领:双手操作时,应从脊椎两侧“大抒”处开始膀胱经向下直至两腰眼处止,然后两手由体侧轻抚收回原处。
Main point : beginning from both side of vertebra of “ da zhu ” point down to either side of the small of the back , then receiving stroke back from both side of the body lightly 要领:双手操作时,应从脊椎两侧“大抒”处开始膀胱经向下直至两腰眼处止,然后两手由体侧轻抚收回原处。
I am as rickety as a hackneycoach , i m as sleepy as laudanum , my lines is strained to that degree that i shouldn t know , if it wasn t for the pain in em , which was me and which somebody else , yet i m none the better for it in pocket ; and it s my suspicion that you ve been at it from morning to night to prevent me from being the better for it in pocket , and i won t put up with it , aggerawayter , and what do you say now 我的腰眼累坏了,若不是因为它疼,我简直连哪里是我,哪里是别人都分不清楚了。可是兜里还是没有增加几文。所以我怀疑你从早到晚都在祈祷不让我的腰包鼓起来,我是不会饶你的,他奶奶的,你现在还有什么可说的! ”