Incorrect eyebrow tattoos and eliminating freckles , senile plaque , foxiness in shallow skin and tatiana mole in deep skin and has also produced a good curative effect in treating blood vessel and other skin disease 用于各种皮肤良性肿瘤色痣皮赘老年疣扁平疣寻常疣丝状疣尖锐湿疣腋臭及文身等,也可用于皮肤癌瘤。
Cold light therapy apparatus of tl - a series is a kind of high - tech medical instrument under the approval of the state , and os successfully researched and manufactured by experts from the ministry of space industry for 10 years with american aerospace technology and aerospace materials , and is leading the way in curing many diseases including underarm odor in the world 系列冷光源治疗仪采用美国太空技术、用航天材料由航天部专家历时十年研制成功的高科技国家准字号医疗器械,在治疗腋臭等多种疾病方面属世界领先水平。