| 1. | What would i do if i knew i could not fail 若我知道自己胜券在握,我会做甚么? |
| 2. | There is no honor in getting a victory when odds is taken 胜券在握的胜利者没有半点光荣可言的。 |
| 3. | One should always play fairly when one has the winning cards 胜券在握的时候,就可以按规矩出牌了。 |
| 4. | Every time we race , you win 我们的每场比赛,你都胜券在握 |
| 5. | A clear conscience is a sure card 光明磊落,胜券在握。 |
| 6. | Slow and steady wins the race 从容不迫,胜券在握。 |
| 7. | “ the man who goes the farthest is generally the one who is willing to do and dare . the sure - thing boat never gets from shore 走的最远的人通常是那些勇于尝试的人。胜券在握的小船绝不会从岸边出发? ? ? |
| 8. | If there is a revival in nuclear plant construction , the obvious winners are the small group of companies that lead the field of reactor technology 如果核电站建设重新启动,胜券在握的将是少数拥有先进反应堆技术的企业。 |
| 9. | If there is a revival in nuclear plant construction , the obvious winners are the small group of companies that lead the field of reactor technology 如果核电站建设重新启动,胜券在握的确是的将是艺术少数拥有先进反应堆技术的确是的企业。 |
| 10. | Something in the woman s cool , cynical , upper - handish manner , as if she were already master , caused him to feel for the moment as if he could strangle her 看到这女人那种冷静讥讽,胜券在握,好像她已经是一家之主的神气,一时间他恨不得把她气死。 |