Clinical observation of 510 cases of malposition treated by point pasting with zhengtai paste 正胎膏贴敷穴位纠正胎位不正510例临床观察
Actually , the shape and height of a woman ' belly during pregnancy is determined by her muscle tone and the position the baby is in 不过实际上,孕妇肚子在怀孕期间的形状及高度是取决于孕妇腹肌的紧实度及腹中胎儿的胎位。
Later , the doctor told me that the embryo was not correctly positioned , so he arranged for me to have a cesarean section exactly two weeks before the estimated time 后期时医生说胎位不正,并安排剖腹生产,时间恰是预产期两周前。