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Chinese translation for "背景源"

back source

Related Translations:
自然背景:  natural background level
背景辐射:  background radiation
背景音乐:  ambiance musicbgmbackgroundmusicbmg music background
背景供热:  background heatingbackgroundheating
背景下:  in the context of
文化背景:  cultural backgroundcultural settings
背景起伏:  background fluctuations
背景散射:  background scatteringbackscatter
背景鉴别:  background discrimination
航标背景:  background of mark
Example Sentences:
1.It is well known that even in some developed countries in the west , the independent director system is only a plan used to improve the management formation in a company while it is not a cure - all solution to all problems . the paper concludes that in order to present independent director system in right position , much work have to be done at the moment
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