Chinese translation for "背景效果"
- back ground effect
Related Translations:
自然背景: natural background level 背景辐射: background radiation 背景音乐: ambiance musicbgmbackgroundmusicbmg music background 背景供热: background heatingbackgroundheating 文化背景: cultural backgroundcultural settings 背景起伏: background fluctuations 背景散射: background scatteringbackscatter 背景鉴别: background discrimination
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | The css background properties define the background effects of an element Css背景属性为元素定义背景效果。 | | 2. | Background effect source 背景效果源 | | 3. | Experimental results demonstrate that the algorithm is effective for use in real - time video monitoring system 该算法得到的背景效果良好,适用于视频系统。 | | 4. | The experiment shows the algorithm can extract background effectively , which has practicability and reference value 实验测试表明:该算法取得的背景效果良好,具有较强的实用性和参考价值。 |
- Similar Words:
- "背景限探测器" Chinese translation, "背景限制光电检测器" Chinese translation, "背景响应" Chinese translation, "背景橡皮工具" Chinese translation, "背景校正" Chinese translation, "背景效果声" Chinese translation, "背景效果声源" Chinese translation, "背景效果源" Chinese translation, "背景效应" Chinese translation, "背景信号" Chinese translation